The main site of Dreampipe (this site) is kind of a mess, or rather an outline of what it should be. But to improve Dreampipe I’d need web developer assistance.
What should be created:
- A VMU uploader on-par or better than the (now defunct) BlueSwirl VMU uploader
- Login to wordpress (this site) using Dreampipe BB login credentials
- An AVI to SFD video converter, to upload videos to a personal “Channel” to be viewed on Dreamcast
- Dreamcast Now support for the “Community” section
- Restoring Dreamcall and allowing VOIP via Dreampipe
Until any of that can be done, I’ll just maintain the main site how it is now. As I don’t have the skill to attempt any of that.
However, Dreampipe BB is awesome and works great. Until main site can be improved, BB is the center of Dreampipe. I will sticky this post on the news page